Three Methods For Reinforcing Learning With An Interactive Student

25 May 2017
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog


Different methods of learning will work for different minds. If your child is an interactive learner or they learn best with their hands, schoolwork may not be easy for them. When you have children who need interactive learning, you need to be able to supplement the learning at home. Here are three ways to reinforce learning with your interactive child after school. 

Check their work and ask for an overview

One of the best ways to learn what your child did during the school day is to ask them what they learned. This will give you information about the subject that you will need to go over at home. If your child is able to go into great detail about the subject that they were learning, this means that you can start out with advanced level lessons. If your child is not able to tell you much about their learning differences, you may need to start with the basics in order to get your child up to speed. 

Take them to a space they can learn in

For an interactive learner, it is a good idea to go to a space that will provide them with the ability to touch, feel, and sense the items. For instance, if your child is learning about plant life and photosynthesis, taking them to a garden is a good idea. This way your child can view the anatomy of a flower, feel the soil, and get a visual learning experience on just how plant life grows. If your child is learning about outer space, the space museum will allow them to get the same experience that astronauts go through in training or in outer space. 

Provide them with touchable learning aids

For classes such as mathematics, your child may do better if they are able to have visual methods of putting numbers together. Building blocks are a good way for children to learn multiplication and division more easily. If your child learns better with a hands-on approach, putting tools in their hands to help them count will help them absorb lessons more easily. For a child who is learning math, you may need to give them small blocks or sticks to represent the numbers. Being able to learn how to add and subtract visually, as well as mentally, will give your child the imagination that they need to begin to perform simple math in their head.